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HMAC File Server

HMAC File Server is a secure, scalable, and feature-rich file server with advanced capabilities like HMAC authentication, resumable uploads, chunked uploads, file versioning, deduplication, optional ClamAV scanning for file integrity and security, and image thumbnail generation. This server is built with extensibility and operational monitoring in mind, including Prometheus metrics support and Redis integration.

Credits: The HMAC File Server is based on the source code of Thomas Leister's prosody-filer. Many features and design elements have been inspired or derived from this project.


  • HMAC Authentication: Secure file uploads and downloads with HMAC tokens.
  • File Versioning: Enable versioning for uploaded files with configurable retention.
  • Chunked and Resumable Uploads: Handle large files efficiently with support for resumable and chunked uploads.
  • Deduplication: Automatically remove duplicate files based on hashing for storage efficiency.
  • ClamAV Scanning: Optional virus scanning for uploaded files.
  • Prometheus Metrics: Monitor system and application-level metrics.
  • Redis Integration: Use Redis for caching or storing application states.
  • File Expiration: Automatically delete files after a specified TTL.
  • Graceful Shutdown: Handles signals and ensures proper cleanup.
  • Auto-Adjust Worker Scaling: Dynamically optimize worker threads based on system resources.
  • Precaching: Pre-cache file structures on startup for faster access.
  • Thumbnail Creation: Generate image thumbnails for uploaded files.
  • ISO Container Management: Optional mounting and handling of ISO-based filesystems.




  • Go 1.20+
  • Redis (optional, if Redis integration is enabled)
  • ClamAV (optional, if file scanning is enabled)
  • genisoimage (optional, if ISO container management is enabled)

Clone and Build

# Clone from the primary repository
git clone https://github.com/PlusOne/hmac-file-server.git

# OR clone from the alternative repository
git clone https://git.uuxo.net/uuxo/hmac-file-server.git

cd hmac-file-server
go build -o hmac-file-server main.go


The server configuration is managed through a config.toml file. Below are the supported configuration options:

Auto-Adjust Feature

When AutoAdjustWorkers is enabled, the number of workers for HMAC operations and ClamAV scans is dynamically determined based on system resources. This ensures efficient resource utilization.

If AutoAdjustWorkers = true, the values for NumWorkers and NumScanWorkers in the configuration file will be ignored, and the server will automatically adjust these values.

Network Events Monitoring

Setting NetworkEvents = false in the server configuration disables the logging and tracking of network-related events within the application. This means that functionalities such as monitoring IP changes or recording network activity will be turned off.


The precaching feature allows the server to pre-cache storage paths for faster access. This can improve performance by reducing the time needed to access frequently used storage paths.

Thumbnail Creation

Set enabled = true in the [thumbnails] section of config.toml to enable image thumbnail generation.

Example config.toml

Below is an example configuration file (config.toml) you can use as a reference (with sensitive data replaced by placeholder/example data):

# Server configuration
listenport = "8080"  # TCP port for incoming requests
unixsocket = false   # Use Unix domain socket instead of TCP
storagepath = "/path/to/hmac-file-server/data/"  # Directory to store uploaded files
loglevel = "debug"   # Logging level: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"
logfile = "/path/to/hmac-file-server.log"  # Path to log file; leave empty to use stdout
metricsenabled = true   # Enable Prometheus metrics
metricsport = "9090"    # Port for Prometheus metrics
deduplicationenabled = true
minfreebytes = "5GB"     # Minimum free disk space required
filettl = "2Y"           # Time-to-live for files (2 years)
filettlenabled = false   # Enable TTL checks and cleanup
autoadjustworkers = true # Automatically adjust worker threads based on load
networkevents = false    # Enable detailed network event logging
pidfilepath = "./hmac-file-server.pid" # Path to PID file
precaching = true        # Pre-cache file structures on startup

# Deduplication settings
enabled = true
directory = "/path/to/hmac-file-server/deduplication/"  # Path to deduplication metadata store

# Thumbnails settings
enabled = true
directory = "/path/to/hmac-file-server/thumbnails/"  # Directory for storing thumbnails
size = "200x200"  # Thumbnail dimensions
thumbnailintervalscan = "1h"  # Interval for scheduled thumbnail generation

# ISO settings
enabled = false
size = "1TB"  # Maximum ISO size
mountpoint = "/path/to/hmac-file-server/iso/"  # ISO mount point
charset = "utf-8"  # Filesystem character set encoding

# Timeout settings
readtimeout = "3600s"    # Maximum time to read a request (1 hour)
writetimeout = "3600s"   # Maximum time to write a response (1 hour)
idletimeout = "3600s"    # Maximum keep-alive time for idle connections (1 hour)

# Security settings
secret = "your-secure-secret-key"  # HMAC shared secret key (change to a secure value)

# Versioning settings
enableversioning = false
maxversions = 1  # Number of file versions to retain

# Upload settings
resumableuploadsenabled = false
chunkeduploadsenabled = true
chunksize = "32MB"  # Chunk size for uploads
allowedextensions = [
    ".txt", ".pdf", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif",
    ".bmp", ".tiff", ".svg", ".webp", ".wav", ".mp4",
    ".avi", ".mkv", ".mov", ".wmv", ".flv", ".webm",
    ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".m4v", ".3gp", ".3g2", ".mp3", ".ogg"

# Downloads settings
resumabledownloadsenabled = false
chunkeddownloadsenabled = true
chunksize = "32MB"

# ClamAV settings
clamavenabled = true
clamavsocket = "/path/to/clamav/clamd.ctl"  # Path to ClamAV socket
numscanworkers = 4  # Number of concurrent scan workers
scanfileextensions = [
    ".exe", ".dll", ".bin", ".com", ".bat",
    ".sh", ".php", ".js"

# Redis settings
redisenabled = true
redisdbindex = 0
redisaddr = "localhost:6379"  # Redis server address
redispassword = ""            # Redis password if required
redishealthcheckinterval = "120s"  # Interval for Redis health checks

# Worker settings
numworkers = 4
uploadqueuesize = 5000

# File settings
filerevision = 1  # Internal revision number for file handling logic

Running the Server

Basic Usage

Run the server with a configuration file:

./hmac-file-server -config ./config.toml

Metrics Server

If metricsenabled is set to true, the Prometheus metrics server will be available on the port specified in metricsport (e.g., http://localhost:9090/metrics).


To run the server locally for development:

go run main.go -config ./config.toml

Use tools like cURL or Postman to test file uploads and downloads.

Example File Upload with HMAC Token

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer <HMAC-TOKEN>" -F "file=@example.txt" http://localhost:8080/uploads/example.txt

Replace <HMAC-TOKEN> with a valid HMAC signature generated using the configured secret.


Prometheus metrics include:

  • File Operations:

    • File upload/download durations
    • Uploaded/downloaded file sizes
    • Total number of uploads/downloads
    • Total number of upload/download errors
  • System Metrics:

    • Memory usage
    • CPU usage
    • Number of goroutines
    • Active connections
  • HTTP Requests:

    • Total HTTP requests broken down by method and path

Access the metrics at http://localhost:9090/metrics (assuming default metricsport).

Additional Features

  • Deduplication: Automatically remove duplicate files based on SHA256 hashing to save storage space.
  • Versioning: Store multiple versions of files and retain a configurable number of versions.
  • ClamAV Integration: Scan uploaded files for viruses using ClamAV to ensure file integrity and security.
  • Redis Caching: Utilize Redis for caching file metadata to improve access times and performance.
  • Auto-Adjust Worker Scaling: Optimize the number of workers dynamically based on system resources to maintain optimal performance.
  • Precaching: Pre-cache file structures on startup to reduce access times for frequently accessed files.
  • Thumbnail Creation: Generate image thumbnails for uploaded files to provide quick previews.

Overview of Other Projects (xep0363)

Feature/Project HMAC FS mod_http_upload_ext xmpp-http-upload (horazont) Prosody Filer ngx_http_upload xmpp-http-upload (nyovaya)
Language Go PHP Python Go C (Nginx) Python
Environment Standalone Prosody module Standalone Standalone Nginx Standalone
XMPP No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
External Storage Yes No Possible via plugins No No Yes
Authentication / Security HMAC Token-based Token-based None Basic / None Token-based

Build & Run

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/PlusOne/hmac-file-server.git
    cd hmac-file-server
  2. Build the Server:

    go build -o hmac-file-server main.go
  3. Run the Server:

    ./hmac-file-server -config ./config.toml

Configuration Details


  • listenport: TCP port for incoming requests (e.g., "8080").
  • unixsocket: Use a Unix domain socket (true/false) instead of TCP.
  • storagepath: Local directory to store uploaded files.
  • loglevel: Logging verbosity ("debug", "info", "warn", "error").
  • logfile: Path to a file for logging; empty uses stdout.
  • metricsenabled: Enable or disable Prometheus metrics endpoint.
  • metricsport: Port for metrics (e.g., "9090").
  • deduplicationenabled: Enable or disable file deduplication.
  • minfreebytes: Minimum free space required on disk (e.g., "5GB").
  • filettl: Default time-to-live for files (e.g., "2Y" for 2 years).
  • filettlenabled: Enable or disable TTL checks and cleanup.
  • autoadjustworkers: Dynamically adjust worker threads based on load.
  • networkevents: Enable detailed network event logging (may be verbose).
  • pidfilepath: Where the server writes its PID file.
  • precaching: Pre-cache file structures on startup for faster access.


  • enabled: Turn file deduplication on or off.
  • directory: Path to a deduplication metadata store.


  • enabled: Generate thumbnails for uploaded images.
  • directory: Where thumbnail files are stored.
  • size: Dimensions for generated thumbnails (e.g., "200x200").
  • thumbnailintervalscan: Interval for scheduled thumbnail generation (e.g., "1h").

Note: The configuration key thumbnailintervalscan is used in the code. Ensure consistency in config.toml by using this key instead of scanInterval.


(Only one [iso] block should be active if needed)

  • enabled: Mount an ISO-based filesystem (for specialized use).
  • size: Maximum allowed size (e.g., "1TB").
  • mountpoint: Path to mount the ISO.
  • charset: Filesystem character set encoding (e.g., "utf-8").


  • readtimeout: Maximum time to read a request (e.g., "3600s" for 1 hour).
  • writetimeout: Maximum time to write a response (e.g., "3600s" for 1 hour).
  • idletimeout: Maximum keep-alive time for idle connections (e.g., "3600s" for 1 hour).


  • secret: HMAC shared secret key for signing requests and operations.

    Warning: Change this to a secure, random string in production environments to ensure the security of HMAC operations.


  • enableversioning: Keep multiple versions of the same file (true/false).
  • maxversions: How many versions of a file to retain (e.g., 1).


  • resumableuploadsenabled: Support for chunked/resumable file uploads (true/false).

  • chunkeduploadsenabled: Enable chunked uploads specifically (true/false).

  • chunksize: Default chunk size for chunked uploads (e.g., "32MB").

  • allowedextensions: Restrict which file types are allowed.

    allowedextensions = [
        ".txt", ".pdf", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif",
        ".bmp", ".tiff", ".svg", ".webp", ".wav", ".mp4",
        ".avi", ".mkv", ".mov", ".wmv", ".flv", ".webm",
        ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".m4v", ".3gp", ".3g2", ".mp3", ".ogg"


  • resumabledownloadsenabled: Support for chunked/resumable downloads (true/false).
  • chunkeddownloadsenabled: Enable chunk-by-chunk downloading (true/false).
  • chunksize: Default chunk size for chunked downloads (e.g., "32MB").

Note: The allowedextensions key is not part of the [downloads] configuration based on the provided code. Ensure that this key is omitted to prevent configuration errors.


  • clamavenabled: Integrate ClamAV for virus scanning (true/false).

  • clamavsocket: Path to ClamAV socket (.ctl file, e.g., "/path/to/clamav/clamd.ctl").

  • numscanworkers: Number of concurrent scan workers (e.g., 4).

  • scanfileextensions: Extensions to scan for viruses.

    scanfileextensions = [
        ".exe", ".dll", ".bin", ".com", ".bat",
        ".sh", ".php", ".js"


  • redisenabled: Use Redis for caching or session tracking (true/false).
  • redisaddr: Address of the Redis server (e.g., "localhost:6379").
  • redispassword: Redis authentication password, if needed.
  • redisdbindex: Redis database index (integer, e.g., 0).
  • redishealthcheckinterval: Interval to check Redis connectivity (e.g., "120s").


  • numworkers: Number of worker threads for handling requests (e.g., 4).
  • uploadqueuesize: Maximum queue length for incoming uploads (e.g., 5000).


  • filerevision: Internal revision number for file handling logic (e.g., 1).

Important Notes

  • Secret Key:

    • Change the secret immediately to a unique, strong string for production environments to ensure the security of HMAC operations.
  • ISO Configuration:

    • Only use one [iso] block in your config.toml to avoid conflicts. If ISO mounting is not required, ensure that [iso].enabled is set to false.
  • Configuration Consistency:

    • Ensure all configuration keys in config.toml match those expected in the code. For example, in the [thumbnails] section, use thumbnailintervalscan instead of scanInterval to align with the code.
  • Directory Paths:

    • Replace all placeholder paths (e.g., "/path/to/hmac-file-server/data/") with actual paths relevant to your server environment.
    • Ensure that directories specified in the configuration exist and have appropriate permissions.
  • Allowed Extensions:

    • The [uploads].allowedextensions restricts the types of files that can be uploaded. Adjust this list based on your security requirements.
  • ClamAV Integration:

    • Ensure that ClamAV is installed and properly configured on your system if [clamav].clamavenabled is set to true.
    • The clamavsocket should point to the correct ClamAV socket file.
  • Redis Usage:

    • If Redis is enabled ([redis].redisenabled = true), ensure that the Redis server is running and accessible at the specified redisaddr.
  • Resource Allocation:

    • Adjust numworkers and uploadqueuesize in the [workers] section based on your server's hardware capabilities and expected traffic.
    • The autoadjustworkers option can help dynamically manage worker threads based on system resources, but monitor its behavior to ensure optimal performance.
  • Metrics Monitoring:

    • Prometheus metrics are enabled by default. Access them at the specified metricsport (e.g., http://localhost:9090/metrics).
    • Utilize these metrics to monitor server performance and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • File TTL and Cleanup:

    • The [server].filettl and [server].filettlenabled settings manage the automatic deletion of old files. Ensure these are configured according to your data retention policies.

Running the Server

Basic Usage

Run the server with a configuration file:

./hmac-file-server -config ./config.toml

Metrics Server

If metricsenabled is set to true, the Prometheus metrics server will be available on the port specified in metricsport (e.g., http://localhost:9090/metrics).


To run the server locally for development:

go run main.go -config ./config.toml

Use tools like cURL or Postman to test file uploads and downloads.

Example File Upload with HMAC Token

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer <HMAC-TOKEN>" -F "file=@example.txt" http://localhost:8080/uploads/example.txt

Replace <HMAC-TOKEN> with a valid HMAC signature generated using the configured secret.


Prometheus metrics include:

  • File Operations:

    • File upload/download durations
    • Uploaded/downloaded file sizes
    • Total number of uploads/downloads
    • Total number of upload/download errors
  • System Metrics:

    • Memory usage
    • CPU usage
    • Number of goroutines
    • Active connections
  • HTTP Requests:

    • Total HTTP requests broken down by method and path

Access the metrics at http://localhost:9090/metrics (assuming default metricsport).

Additional Features

  • Deduplication: Automatically remove duplicate files based on SHA256 hashing to save storage space.
  • Versioning: Store multiple versions of files and retain a configurable number of versions.
  • ClamAV Integration: Scan uploaded files for viruses using ClamAV to ensure file integrity and security.
  • Redis Caching: Utilize Redis for caching file metadata to improve access times and performance.
  • Auto-Adjust Worker Scaling: Optimize the number of workers dynamically based on system resources to maintain optimal performance.
  • Precaching: Pre-cache file structures on startup to reduce access times for frequently accessed files.
  • Thumbnail Creation: Generate image thumbnails for uploaded files to provide quick previews.
  • ISO Container Management: Optional mounting and handling of ISO-based filesystems for specialized storage needs.

Overview of Other Projects (xep0363)

Feature/Project HMAC FS mod_http_upload_ext xmpp-http-upload (horazont) Prosody Filer ngx_http_upload xmpp-http-upload (nyovaya)
Language Go PHP Python Go C (Nginx) Python
Environment Standalone Prosody module Standalone Standalone Nginx Standalone
XMPP No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
External Storage Yes No Possible via plugins No No Yes
Authentication / Security HMAC Token-based Token-based None Basic / None Token-based

Build & Run

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/PlusOne/hmac-file-server.git
    cd hmac-file-server
  2. Build the Server:

    go build -o hmac-file-server main.go
  3. Run the Server:

    ./hmac-file-server -config ./config.toml

Best Practices and Recommendations

  1. Configuration Consistency:

    • Ensure all configuration keys in config.toml match those expected in the code. For example, in the [thumbnails] section, use thumbnailintervalscan instead of scanInterval to align with the code.
  2. Security:

    • HMAC Secret:
      • Change Immediately: The secret under [security] should be a strong, unique string. Replace "your-secure-secret-key" with a securely generated key.
    • ClamAV:
      • Ensure ClamAV is installed and the clamavsocket path is correct if [clamav].clamavenabled is true.
    • Redis:
      • Secure your Redis instance, especially if it's exposed to external networks. Use strong passwords and restrict access as needed.
  3. Resource Allocation:

    • Adjust numworkers and uploadqueuesize in the [workers] section based on your server's hardware capabilities and expected traffic.
    • Monitor system performance to ensure that auto-adjust features are working optimally.
  4. Monitoring and Metrics:

    • Regularly monitor Prometheus metrics to keep an eye on server performance, resource usage, and potential issues.
    • Set up alerts based on critical metrics to proactively handle problems.
  5. Logging:

    • Ensure that log files are rotated and managed properly to prevent disk space issues.
    • Consider enabling JSON logging (loggingjson = true) for better integration with log management systems.
  6. Testing:

    • Perform thorough testing of file uploads/downloads, especially with large files and under high load.
    • Test ClamAV scanning with both clean and malicious files to ensure security features are functioning correctly.
  7. Maintenance:

    • Regularly update dependencies to benefit from security patches and performance improvements.
    • Clean up old file versions and ensure deduplication is functioning to optimize storage usage.
  8. Backup:

    • Implement a backup strategy for critical data, especially if file versioning is enabled.
  9. Documentation:

    • Keep the README.md and other documentation up-to-date with any code changes to assist in maintenance and onboarding new contributors.


  • Cannot Connect to Redis:

    • Ensure Redis is running and accessible at the address specified in redisaddr.
    • Verify that the redispassword is correct if authentication is enabled.
  • ClamAV Scanning Fails:

    • Check if ClamAV is installed and the clamavsocket path is correct.
    • Ensure that the ClamAV daemon (clamd) is running.
  • Insufficient Disk Space:

    • Monitor the disk space and adjust minfreebytes in the configuration as needed.
    • Enable file TTL and cleanup to automatically remove old files.
  • Metrics Not Available:

    • Ensure that metricsenabled is set to true and the server is running without errors.
    • Check if the specified metricsport is not blocked by a firewall.
  • Thumbnail Generation Not Working:

    • Verify that the [thumbnails].enabled is set to true and the directory exists with appropriate permissions.
    • Check the logs for any errors related to image processing.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the Repository

  2. Create a Feature Branch

    git checkout -b feature/YourFeatureName
  3. Commit Your Changes

    git commit -m "Add your message here"
  4. Push to the Branch

    git push origin feature/YourFeatureName
  5. Open a Pull Request

Provide a clear description of your changes and the problem they address.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

By following this updated README.md, you can ensure that users and contributors have a clear understanding of the HMAC File Server's capabilities, configuration options, and best practices for deployment and maintenance.

HMAC File Server manages secure file uploads/downloads with HMAC authentication, rate limiting, and auto-banning. It supports CORS, retry options, file versioning, Unix sockets, and Redis integration. Features built-in Prometheus metrics and graceful shutdown for efficient and reliable file transfers.
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